KEEPING In touch

Our weekly Parish News keeps you informed


The Parish News is a snapshot of parish life in the current week; announcements and activities.

It comes to you through a protected mailing list managed by Constant Contact.  You can sign up for our mailings here.

About us - At a Glance

Sharing the leadership & tasking

One sign of a healthy congregation is the level of participation and engagement.  Annunciation's parish members take advantage of the opportunities, share in the work, development and leading of a
variety of ministries.   One example is the way we share the roles for leading worship.  Are you interested in offering your gifts?


Lively Small Groups

Growing churches have a network of small groups where individuals find intimate community, practical help and intensive spiritual interactions.  At Annunciation these groups are rooted in formation/education, ministry and the social fabric of our congregation. 

Worship binds us together as a faith community, and it is in the scripture, sacraments, and corporate prayer & song of weekly worship that we learn who and how God wants us to be. 

Let us continue to say ‘Yes’ to where God is leading.

Everything we do – from the way we maintain our church building to the invitation we extend to newcomers to participate in coffee hour to offering an easy-to-use and read bulletin and website – all of these things are opportunities to demonstrate and embody the same kind of radical hospitality that Jesus extended to those around him, and that God extends to us every day.

Let us continue to say ‘Yes’ to being a congregation of hospitality.

Outreach, in the form of active service to others, is a key part of Annunciation’s identity as a church. We prepare homey, wholesome meals for PADS guests, contribute goods to the Warren Twp. food pantry, repair homes in Appalachia, pack food for starving children around the world.

Let us continue to say ‘Yes’ to serving others generously.